Are Willing To Grow To Your Highest Potential?


Walking in God’s Favor: I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress. Psalms 32:8 TLB

Reaching Your Highest Potential

What a powerful bible promise to know that God says he will show us how to get to the next level. God promises to watch over us, to teach us and advise us.

The truth is, we all have areas in our lives that we need to grow in. Your area of growth is probably different from my area of growth. You must truthfully acknowledge your area of weakness and face it.

Be Intentional With Your Time

My personal truth (Michael) is I consume far too much time watching TV and on the internet.  After reading Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Drive Life ” I was motivated to initiate 3 immediate changes in my life.

1. I  would begin to limit the amount of television and internet media I consume.

2. I would spend the best time of my day in prayer.

3. I would release my spiritual side.

My purpose was to seek the highest potential for my life. It has made an incredible difference. After making these 3 seemingly small changes I have been motivated to write this blog and several other books with Ardella. Our purpose is to share the goodness of God in our lives with family, meaningful others and our community.  I now choose to invest my time and develop my talents wisely.

Make Excellence Your Goal

Level 4 Stewards are willing to do whatever it takes reach their highest potential. Are you willing to do your part. Yes you have an extremely important role in your spiritual discovery.  You are called for a moment like this in time. You are given unique gifts to develop over your lifetime and you have a  purpose that you have the potential to fulfill.

Prayer of Blessings: Lord, help us defeat temptations that consume our time.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of a podcast Better Husband Father Man hub for all things; parenting, marriage, and self-improvement. He is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency   Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinder Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vances have been married four decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their workbook “Stewardship of Wealth”.

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