Can You Say No, To The Person In Mirror?

Walking In God’s Favor: When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 1Corinthians 13:11 NLT

Discipline & self-control helps to develop your character.

Moving from a Level 1 Stewardship life of struggle to Level 2 Stewardship the life of stability is an individual choice. Many of you cannot see yourselves  maturing from Level 1 Stewardship a life of struggle into Level 2 Stewardship a life of  stability; therefore you remain in a life struggle.

Level 2 faithful stewards learn to live on a budget and give their money a mission.  But more importantly, Level 2 faithful stewards are accountable to God. The Level 2 faithful steward has learned to say “no” to the person in the mirror.

Can you say no, to the person in the mirror?

One of the keys that differentiate Level 1 Stewardship the life of struggle from Level 2 Stewardship the life of stability is the will to delay immediate gratification for long-term goals. One sign of spiritual maturity is the will to choose long-term goals over short-term  gain.

I clearly remember our parents teaching us the connection between work and money.  As a kid, they would give my two younger brothers and me money for doing chores like cutting the grass, raking leaves or washing the car.  As soon as I received my money, I would run down to the corner grocery store to spend every penny I had earned on Chinese Sweet & Sours Balls, Red Hots, banana flavored Now & Laters, and  my favorite, Hostess Chocolate Twinkies.

My parents would comment how I had holes in my pocket when they observed how quickly I spent my money. They found teachable moments to encourage me to save.  They planted seeds of wisdom like ”Money don’t grow on trees” in my life.  My parents were the first teachers who sowed into my life the importance of work ethics and saving money.

With self-discipline, you increase your possibilities.

My truth is,  even today as an adult I struggle with the desire to spend money I don’t have, to  buy things I don’t  need, to impress people I don’t know.  That desire to spend money grew into an uncontrollable desire to have wealth without going through the process of  developing the discipline necessary to manage wealth.

In order for you to move to Level 2 Stewardship a life of stability you are going to have to go through the process. It’s your choice. You have the ability to become a better steward of your wealth. We are living examples that God will empower your life  to do that which you cannot on your own, do for yourself. Remember keep praying, keep believing, with God all things are possible.

You are invited to listen to our Facebook LIVE Stream Sunday 3pm May 12th. Our discussion will center around life lessons we learned from our mothers. Our guest panelist is Melonie Gurley, JF Drake State Community & Technical College and Ray Allister, Huntsville Inner City Learning Center.

Michael J. Vance is the founder of Stewardship Of and a financial & benefit-risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency   Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinders Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vance’s have been married over 4 decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville Alabama, and blog from their Stewardship Of Wealth financial guide “Changing Your Family Tree”.

Are You Walking In God’s Favor?

Walking in God’s Favor: I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. Genesis 12:2

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

One of our shared financial goals after coordinating a Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class for our church was to take a cruise to the Bahamas when we eliminated all our debts. We were able to pay off over $70,000 in debt in 48 months practicing biblical financial principles in our everyday lives. We did it and you can do it! It feels amazing to live debt free.

Living a  life of surplus is a great place to be. Ardella and I have journeyed through the process of learning how to put our faith in God and not the blessings He (Wealth, Education, Career, Social Capital and Good Health)


Greatness is a lot of small steps taken everyday.

We have discovered how to walk in faith when experiencing life’s struggles and the storms of life. Faith is the ability to walk past your current reality, while anticipating a fabulous future.

To walk in God’s favor you must develop the inner discipline it takes to delay immediate gratification by surrendering lordship of your life to God. The faithful stewards can say “no” to the person in the mirror and “yes” to the will of God. Faithful stewards first seek and desire God’s blessings to shower down over their lives.

Surround Yourself With People Who Will Push You to Greatness.

Ardella and I have learned how to wisely look around the corner and plan for the storms of life or 5D’s (Disaster, Disability, Downsizing, Deployment and Death). We openly share how to prepare for the storms of life  or the 5D’s with our family, friends and meaningful others in our community.

Ardella and I acknowledge that it has been God who has brought us financially to this point in our lives, and we remember where we were in the years past.  Our daily prayer is ” O Mighty God, teach us to be Your faithful servants”.  We encourage you to live faithful to God and to walk in His favor. Your life can become a great example in your world of what a Mighty God can do in the lives of His people.

Prayer of Blessing: Lord teach us to walk in your favor.

Michael J. Vance is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency  and founder of  Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinder Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vances have been married over 4 decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their workbook “Stewardship of Wealth”.

Are You Constantly Connected to the Source?

Walking in God’s Favor: If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.  John 15:7  KJ

A Life, If Well Lived, Is Long Enough 

Level 4 Stewards realize the importance of time and manage their time wisely.  Staying connected to the Source is always their first priority. Level 4 stewards are aware that the choices you make today will impact future generations.  So staying connecting to the Source is critical to the success of your life legacy.

We agree with what President Barack Obama says  “Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential”.

We have discovered in our spiritual journey, when we allow God lordship over our will, dreams, and ambitions we experience more peace, love and happiness in our world. God’s blessings in the life of  the Level 4 Steward will also be a blessing in the life of others. We believe God blesses the lives of Level 4 Stewards so they can be an example of  what He can do in a life that is connected to the Source.

Christ Empowers Your Life More Abundantly Then You Can Think or Imagine

We have developed the daily practice of investing time in prayer.  This allows us to say no to the good in order  to say yes to the great.  For example, in order for us to live a healthy life style we say no to certain foods that may taste good and yes to foods that gives us proper nutrition to support our goal of healthy living.

Here’s another example, in order for us to live a life style of financial freedom we avoid debt and say yes to investing to support our goal of building generational wealth. The tension for Level 4 Stewardship is the ability to stay connected to the Source when you can have, do, and be anything you desire.

Intimacy With God Is Level IV Stewards Highest Priority

We believe connectivity to God is the source of all blessings.  Connectivity to people is the how the blessings flow from the Source into your life. We love what Mary Kay Ash  said “Don’t limit yourself.”

Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far a your faith takes you. What you believe through Christ,  you can achieve.  Level 4 Stewards are determined to stay connected to the Source and intentionally practices the process of connecting to others.

Prayer of Blessing: Lord keep us connected to You our source.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of a weekly podcast Better Husband Father Man hub for all things; parenting, marriage, and self-improvement. He is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency  and founder of  Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinder Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vances have been married well over 3 decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their workbook “Stewardship of Wealth”.

Do You Put People Over Possessions?

Walking in God’s favor: Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death. Proverbs 11:4 (NIV)

The most cherish possessions you can leave someone is your faith in Jesus Christ.

We Christians in America have become so materialistic in our thinking. You have probably heard someone say, ” The one who dies with the most toys wins” or “The one with the gold makes the rules.”

The things in this world are temporal, but the things of God are eternal.  I believe Jesus Christ is returning for a people – not possessions. So, what are you doing to build intimate relationships with those you love? How are you investing your financial resources to better your relationship with God and meaningful others?

Communication is what makes your relationships strong.

When you develop intimate relationships, you do it one-to-one. Your attention is focused on one person. Their needs become your priority. Dr David and Teresa Ferguson, co-authors of Intimate Encounters says, “Intimate relationships takes time and communications.”

Ardella and I have learned to schedule time to be alone with each other to increase our marital intimacy. No children, no grandchildren, we forget about our work, our ministries, we turn off our smart phones and we take time to focus our attention on each other.

This includes sharing one’s feelings, putting one another first, sympathetic listening, and caring for one another. Sharing your heart with family and having meaningful relationships with others is what life is truly about. Life is meant to be shared. Sharing the love of  God with those we care about is priority for the Level 4 Steward.

Fullfilment and satisfaction comes from sharing with others.

There is nothing like the power of your own life story. Everyone has a story to tell.  How are you being blessed today? Sharing your life experiences with others encourages them and gives them hope.  Tell others how you have overcome life’s struggles; how your faith brings stability in your life; how living by biblical principles gives you the wisdom to look around the corner to prepare for the storms of life. And finally tell others of your spiritual discovery for your life’s work.

You are invited to join us next month February 7th at 12 noon at the First Seventh-day Adventist Church Wednesday noon POP (People Praying Over People) I will have the wonderful opportunity to share our journey. Over the years we have been blessed to mentor hundreds of young families in their finances. I will discuss eight life lessons we discovered that can change your family tree.

Prayer of blessing: Lord help me to value relationships.

Michael J. Vance is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency  and president of the Northeast Alabama Chapter of Credit Unions. Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the International Pathfinder Club a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vances have been married over four decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their spritual guide “Stewardship of Wealth”.

Does Your Life Empowers Others to Grow?

Walking In God’s Favor: Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. I Corinthians 11:1 NIV

Accountability Breeds Response-ability

You empower others to grow when they can see a living example. Nothing is more discouraging than a leader who gives good advice but sets a poor example.  On the other hand, nothing can be more encouraging or inspiring than a leader who lives the life he or she talks about.

Click on image below to learn how to create meaningful goals that positively impacts your life. Dr. Brandon Gamble shares real life examples with Michael Vance. Draws deeply from the 25 +years of experience as a Christain psychologist empowering young black men to become their best self.

Taking Responsibility for Your Choices

Level 4 stewards internally recognize the importance of being who you say you are. Personal integrity has a tremendous impact on your own life and those around you.

In my early 30′s, as a young husband, father, leader, and business man,  I made it a goal I would not teach or speak publicly about principles I was not practicing in my own life.

Warren Buffet says “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

Without Accountability There is No Growth

This idea to be transparent in your public life  can help you to set positive goals of faithful stewardship in how you prioritize your time,  develop your God- given gifts, care for your body-temple and save & invest your financial resources.

Spending quality time with your spouse, attending your children or grandchildren’s events,  exercising regularly and eating healthy foods, budgeting your personal finances, along with setting business goals requires you to consider who you are and the example you leaving others to follow.

Prayer of Blessing: Lord help us to choose to live with integrity.

Michael J. Vance is the co-founder of and the co-host of a weekly podcast Better Husband, Father, Man is your hub for all things marriage, parenting, and self-improvement. Michael J. Vance is a senior account executive with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency. Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. Ardella Vance is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinders Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vance’s have been married well over 30 years and share their lives with four adult children and seven grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their financial workbook  “The Stewardship of Wealth“.

Have You Forgiven Those Who Have Taken Advantage Of You?

Walking in God’s Favor: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

Trust Takes Years to Build, Seconds to Destroy, and Forever to Repair

In our society people will take advantage of your trust. They will scheme, swindle and fraudulently go after your wealth. People like Bernard Madoff, who perpetrated over a 50-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme have made money their God. They have no problem ripping you off, if it puts money into their pockets. They knowingly take advantage of their influence, power, and wealth.

Mistakes Are Forgivable If One Has the Courage to Admit Them

Level 4 Stewards practice the spiritual principle of forgiveness.  They have personally experienced the transformational power of forgiveness in their own lives and extend that kind of forgiveness to others.  When someone takes advantage of you, your faith can restore your loss in many ways.

Forgiveness Does Not Change the Past, But it Does Enlarge the Future

Forgiveness is not an option for the Level 4 Steward. They extend grace to others, learn from the experience and move on with their life’s mission. You can only experience this kind of forgiveness when you are connected to the Source of forgiveness. We will close this post with a quote from Billy Graham “Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness.”

Save the date. You are personally invited to our live stream with our SOW Team as we share online financial tools, community resources and tips to avoid financial scams.

Prayer of Blessings: Lord teach us to forgive.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of the podcast Better Husband Father Man hub for all things; parenting, marriage, and self-improvement. He is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency  Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the International Pathfinder Club a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vance’s have been married well over 4 decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their workbook “Stewardship of Wealth”.

Are Willing To Grow To Your Highest Potential?


Walking in God’s Favor: I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress. Psalms 32:8 TLB

Reaching Your Highest Potential

What a powerful bible promise to know that God says he will show us how to get to the next level. God promises to watch over us, to teach us and advise us.

The truth is, we all have areas in our lives that we need to grow in. Your area of growth is probably different from my area of growth. You must truthfully acknowledge your area of weakness and face it.

Be Intentional With Your Time

My personal truth (Michael) is I consume far too much time watching TV and on the internet.  After reading Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Drive Life ” I was motivated to initiate 3 immediate changes in my life.

1. I  would begin to limit the amount of television and internet media I consume.

2. I would spend the best time of my day in prayer.

3. I would release my spiritual side.

My purpose was to seek the highest potential for my life. It has made an incredible difference. After making these 3 seemingly small changes I have been motivated to write this blog and several other books with Ardella. Our purpose is to share the goodness of God in our lives with family, meaningful others and our community.  I now choose to invest my time and develop my talents wisely.

Make Excellence Your Goal

Level 4 Stewards are willing to do whatever it takes reach their highest potential. Are you willing to do your part. Yes you have an extremely important role in your spiritual discovery.  You are called for a moment like this in time. You are given unique gifts to develop over your lifetime and you have a  purpose that you have the potential to fulfill.

Prayer of Blessings: Lord, help us defeat temptations that consume our time.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of a podcast Better Husband Father Man hub for all things; parenting, marriage, and self-improvement. He is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency   Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinder Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vances have been married four decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their workbook “Stewardship of Wealth”.

Do You Borrow Money To Live A Lifestyle Above Your Means?

Walking In God’s Favor: Romans 13:8 Don’t run up debts, except for the huge debt of love you owe each other. When you love others, you complete what the law has been after all along. (MSG)

It’s better to go to bed in peace, than to wake up in debt & broke.

We believe overcoming financial bondage is one of the greatest struggles for anyone seeking financial freedom. Many of you only dream of saving money. In many instances you do not experience financial health because you are trying to borrow yourself into wealth. You want to look rich to cover your raggedness. You desire to appear prosperous to hide your poverty. You feel that wealth can heal your wounded-ness.

Many of you do not see anything wrong with living in debt. The more I can borrow the better. I didn’t either at first; just like the story of the frog. I’m told if you put a frog in a pot of water on a stove with no lid, and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will remain in the pot until it is cooked alive, even though the frog has the ability to easily jump out of the pot at any time.

We Believe Freedom From Debt Is Worth Any Amount You Can Earn

Initially I felt debt was a good thing; just a financial tool. It allowed me to obtain things I felt I needed  now and I could pay for it later….WOW! That sounded like a good deal… Just like when the serpent lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden. He told Eve if she ate of the tree of good and evil she would not “surely die”. Listen to me people, if you play with snakes you will get bitten.

Debt has been successfully marketed by banks and financial institutions in the United States as your pathway to prosperity. As a result, many of you have found yourselves in financial bondage with little or no hope of ever experiencing financial freedom again.

Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing your future legacy

If you are in bondage because of debt, your first step into financial freedom is to admit your finances are out of control. If you continue to live in denial, you won’t seek help and you won’t break free.  The Bible says that “the borrower is slave to the lender”. Ask God, in prayer, for the power  to break break free of  debt. With God, and a made up mind, you can experience financial freedom.

Prayer of Blessing: Lord, help me to become wise with money.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of a podcast Better Husband Father Man hub for all things; parenting, marriage, and self-improvement. He is a financial & benefit risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency   Ardella Vance volunteers her time, talents, and financial resources to causes she is passionate about. She is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinder Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vances have been married four decades and share their lives with four adult children and ten exceptional grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog from their workbook “Stewardship of Wealth”.

Do You Believe It’s Okay For You To Become Wealthy?

Walking in God’s Favor: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth and be in health. III John 1:2 KJ

Finding Your “Why”

In his book titled The Reallionaire , Farah Gray, a young African-American man who went from public assistance to become a millionaire by the age of 14, says a reallionaire (a word he created) is someone who has discovered that there is more to money than having money. Understanding that stewardship of wealth is not just about being rich in your pocket-book, but realizing you have to be rich inside too.

I believe and agree with Farah Gray that wealth starts on the inside with a certain way of thinking. It begins with the belief system that governs how we relate to money. There are certain ways of thinking that can help you increase your financial wealth.

Three Steps to Financial Wealth

The first way of thinking is to stop trying to act rich. ” Live Within Your Means.” Living to impress others will only cost you. In the long run trying to keep up with the Jones will eventually result in financial pain and bring you down. Some people who appear to be living prosperous lives, in many instances are in debt up to their eyes balls and have mortgaged their future.

The second way of thinking is to start living on a budget. Spend your money on paper and on purpose before the month begins. Give your money a mission. If you dream of becoming wealthy, create a financial plan to get there. Write it down and look at it often. Remember a dream without a plan is just a hallucination.

The third and final way of thinking that can help you increase your financial wealth is to start counting your blessings. You are wonderfully made in God’s image. If you have life and health, you are blessed. If you have a family and friends, you are blessed. If you have a personal relationship with Christ, you truly are blessed. Learn to be thankful for what you have right now.

Financial Literacy empowerment session at the First Seventh-day Adventist Church Huntsville, AL.

Until You Give Your Best, You Will Never Know Your Potential

How we plan for our future, take advantage of opportunities and how we spend our money all begin inside with our thinking. What do you want to become? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to obtain? Remember, our thoughts direct our actions or inaction. You have the ability to become a better steward of your wealth.

Prayer of Blessing: Lord help us to become wise stewards of our time, talents & money.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of Better Husband Father Man Podcast and the financial & benefits risk manager with Hundley Batts & Associates. Ardella Vance is a gifted educator and a Master Guide in the Pathfinders Club, a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people. The Vance’s have been married four decades and share their lives with four adult children and 10 grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog weekly from their financial workbook” The Stewardship of Wealth “.

What’s On Your 2023 Reading List?

Walking In God’s Favor: Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what is perfect. Romans 12:2 NCV

Continuous Optimization, Always Keep Learning

We are so happy to celebrate Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency Internship Initiative. We provides resources to college and high school students to help them succeed in their education and career journey.

Those Who Keep Learning, Will Keep Growing In Life 

Ardella and I have posted the wisdom and insights we have learned from our journey of becoming the best version of ourselves in 2023. Our team is committed to playing a significant role in encouraging you to grow in areas of your life that need confirmation and clarity.

Here are some suggested readings to empower you in that process of becoming a better steward of your wealth and the best version of yourself.

1. Go Do Your Something – Lamont Dupree

2. Family Prayer: Your Fortune Is In Your Faith – Michael& Ardella Vance

3.  Wealth – It’s in Your Worship Not Your Works – Roland J. Hill

4.  Spiritual Game Plans For A Successful Life – Preston Brown

5. Total Money Makeover – Dave Ramsey

6. Stewardship Of Wealth – Changing Your Family Tree – Michael & Ardella Vance

7. 80 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire – Paul  S. Damazo

8. Taking Care of Business – Lee Jenkins

9. Debt Free  Degree – Anthony O’Neil

10. 12 Week Year – Brian Moran

11.  Power to Get Wealth: No Money Required – Keith Douglas

12.  5am With God – Keaires Roberson

Prayer of Blessing:  Lord, we thank You for the desire to grow.

Michael J. Vance is the co-host of the Better Husband Father Man Podcast  a hub for all things parenting, marriage, and self improvement. He is a financial & benefit risk manager for Hundley Batts & Associates Insurance Agency   Ardella Vance is  a gifted educator and  a Master Guide in the Pathfinders Club a global organization empowered to teach life and leadership skills to young people.  The Vance’s have been married well over 30 years and share their lives with four adult children and ten grandchildren. They currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama and blog weekly from their financial workbook ” The Stewardship of Wealth.